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The benefits of online learning are abundant and with the rise in the digital age, it’s becoming ever more significant in influencing the future of education. Choosing to study online is a great step forward in reaching your ambitions and career goals: it can open many doors, provides great opportunities and gives you the flexibility […]
How do you kick-start a career in IT? A college education is helpful, but certainly not necessary. What you really need is tech training—and one of the Top IT certifications. Why? IT positions require specific skill sets and certifications validate the ability to do the job. By becoming certified, you’ll show potential employers that you have the skills required to succeed.
CompTIA is a global provider of vendor neutral IT certifications, such as the popular A+, Network+, Security+ certifications. Most, if not all, CompTIA certifications are entry-level attracting students and those new to the IT field.
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